Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Local Lodge 1786 to 'Re-Do' 2015 Elections

It's True, the International has voluntarily notified the Department of Labor (DOL) Office of Labor Management Standards (OLMS) that due to a complaint issued by a member that sufficient notification was not given for the election ie a written notice mailed to each member shall be mailed via the US postal service no less than 60 days prior to the monthly meeting when nominations for local lodge officers will be taken.  and that is a true statement.  So, we are carrying out a 'Re-Do' of the local lodge officers.  below is a copy of the official letter that was mailed to every member of the local based on the address of record in the Internationals database (if you did not receive a letter in the mail, check with the Secretary Treasurer to ensure your correct address is on file).  Along with this letter is a copy of the Absenty ballot request form.  
Please download, copy/paste, print, whatever you choose to do to have access to this information, if you qualify and would like to request an absenty ballot, follow the instructions closely because there is a very narrow time frame because the DOL/OLMS has waived the 60 day notice requirement.  Nominations will be received at the January 3rd, 2017 montly meeting, elections will be held February 7th, 2017 0700-1630
Please open and review the information below, if you have any questions please contact your LL-1786 Recording Secretary or Secretary Treasurer.
The Department of Labor will have a representative on hand at the meeting for nominations and the following months meeting for the election.

for a working copy to download and print please go to:

2017 Election 'Re-Do' notice

Absentee Ballot Request

these will be printable PDF documents. I am currently working on a new website, these actions will be more user friendly and available.
Merry Christmas and a Profitable, Healthy, New Year to you all.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Brother James Borrego Passing

It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the passing of Brother James Borrego of the Dynamic Science Group of Local Lodge 1786.  The service information is as follows.

Funeral services for James Borrego beloved husband and father are as followed:
Viewing & Visitation, Thursday, July 21, 2016
7:00-900 p.m.
South Park Funeral Home
1310 N Main Street
Pearland, TX 77581310 N Main Street
Memorial Service, Friday, July 22, 2016
10:00 a.m.
First Baptist South Houston
315 Georgia
South Houston, Tx 77587
Internment to follow at South Park Cemetery
1310 N Main Street
Pearland, TX 7758

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

District 37 is hosting a Local Lodge Officer and Steward Training seminar

District 37 President and Directing Business Representative Byron Williams will be hosting a Local Lodge Officer and Steward training seminar on May 5th for Officers and May 6th for Stewards.  The event will be held at the District Office building in the second floor Conference room and will start at 0900 and run to about 1600 (4pm) and lunch will be provided.  Please pass the word to your fellow Local Lodge Officers and Stewards.
the District Office is located in the Williams and Kherkher building, 8441 Gulf Fwy, Houston, TX 77017.  713-681-6786.

Contested Local Lodge Elections are headed for a 'Do Over'

Local Lodge 1786 recent officer and Steward Elections are set for a 'Do Over' because of a letter sent to the International contesting the Election process that was followed.  So, the Officers are currently assembling the necessary documentation to establish a proper election process as noted in the bylaws.
Stand by for 'Notice of Election', 'Nominations', and subsequent 'Vote'. to be posted on this site.  Please tell other members of this post site, and how to get here. The simple way to get here is to go to the District website, click the '1786' button in the right hand column, then click the 'Blog' button at the bottom of the right hand column. Or go to http://stll1786.blogspot.com/